Subject: Lyrebird
Designer: Satoshi Kamiya
Paper: 16*16 in. lokta paper
Well, this is a bit of a throwback. My first origami blog post ever was Satoshi Kamiya's Lyrebird, folded about 4 years ago with shoddy "regular" origami paper. I've learned a lot since then, and I do think it's a better model this time around. That said, I really need to get better at lighting my folds for pictures. Especially with something like this--the purple paper and the shadows don't mix well.
Some other updates: 1. School has started for me and I'm dealing with a lot of homework, so I don't have a ton of time for the blog. 2. The old blog has been deactivated. This is my only one now (it's a good thing I backed up all that content). 3. This one doesn't have a companion essay to go along with it. I have one in mind, but it'll take a while before it gets published. So yeah, there's that. Stay awesome!
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