Who am I? (And other questions)

Who am I?

My name is Marcus. I like to do origami. Pretty self-explanatory.

This is my way of showing that to the world, I guess. I'm still in school, so I don't exactly have a ton of time to fold. But when I do, it comes here.

Some things I actually design. Most things I don't. I get them from books, or various online sources. There's a pretty big origami community out there; if you're interested, do some research. You'll find more than you could ever hope to fold in a lifetime. Oh yeah, and I also like to write essays about origami. Expect one of those sprinkled in every once in a while.

Thank you for indulging in my little corner of the internet, and enjoy!

What is this blog?
I started Origami by Marcus to introduce people to what origami is, and essentially show them that there's more than just cranes and fortune-tellers. To that end, this blog is primarily written for people just entering the origami-sphere, like most of my friends and teachers at school. If you know a lot about origami, that's great, but most of this blog probably isn't for you. (Sorry.) I think you'll probably get more out of the essays.

What's with the "Origami by Marcus archive" tag?
That's a holdover from my first blog, Origami by Marcus. When I got a notification that my blog might be shut down (due to student restrictions placed by Google), I backed up all of the content and moved it here. Everything from my old blog is in the archive, and everything written after that won't have the tag.
